a glimpse of resistance

This picture reminds me of ascene that dominated social life at some point, every time I saw a womanwatching the world from a narrow space, wearing the ‘jard’ (traditional Libyanwhite cloth that women wear as an outer cloak in public) that she can only seethrough the one eye showing…That women cannot extend beyond being an object andare not even allowed to fully see what the world is around them. 

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Name   //   Libya
This exhibition explores layers of girls resistance across the MENA region. It showcases small glimpses into each story which, when explored together, portray their collective fight for a better world for girls everywhere.

Join The Voice Of Resistance.

Every girl faces her own obstacles, and every girl comes up with her own path to resist and persist and move forward. This platform is here to celebrate this resistance. Share your story of resistance, and what it means to you to be a girl today and to resist. Do you have a symbol that you feel emcompasses your resistance?
Share your story

This picture reminds me of ascene that dominated social life at some point, every time I saw a womanwatching the world from a narrow space, wearing the ‘jard’ (traditional Libyanwhite cloth that women wear as an outer cloak in public) that she can only seethrough the one eye showing…That women cannot extend beyond being an object andare not even allowed to fully see what the world is around them. 

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Name   //   Libya
Join The Voice Of Resistance.
Every girl faces her own obstacles, and every girl comes up with her own path to resist and persist and move forward. This platform is here to celebrate this resistance. Share your story of resistance, and what it means to you to be a girl today and to resist. Do you have a symbol that you feel emcompasses your resistance?
Share your story

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Who we are?

This digital exhibit is part of Stories of Girls Resistance, a global storytelling project that shares the inspiring, complex and unfiltered stories of girls pushing back and imagining better worlds for themselves and us all. The stories collected capture the experiences of girls from different backgrounds, ages, generations and how they all faced struggles and learned the importance of resisting and standing up for their own rights. This digital experience gives visitors a glimpse of the stories and the women and girls who lived them. Girls are born resistors. Yet the truth of their resistance has been obscured from history. To document their resistance is a political act.

هذا المعرض الرقمي هو جزء من ““Stories of Girls Resistance، وهو مشروع نسوي عالمي لسرد القصص يروي القصص الملهمة والمعقدة وغير المصفاة للفتيات اللائي يردن ويتخيلن عوالم أفضل لأنفسهن ولنا جميعًا. تلتقط القصص التي تم جمعها تجارب الفتيات من خلفيات وأعمار وأجيال مختلفة وكيف واجهن جميعًا صراعات وتعلمن أهمية المقاومة والدفاع عن حقوقهن. تمنح هذه التجربة الرقمية الزائرين لمحة عن القصص والنساء والفتيات اللواتي عشنها. الفتيات يولدن مقاومات. ومع ذلك ، فإن حقيقة مقاومتهم قد حُجبت عن التاريخ. إن توثيق مقاومتهم هو عمل سياسي..